Going on exchange abroad is certainly an enriching experience. But it is also an adventure in which students may encounter some difficulties and challenges. A successful exchange requires integration on the social and cultural level. And who knows best about the local culture? A local student of course! This is exactly what the buddy program is about: to offer international students the possibility to get to know someone from the respective country. A buddy will help with specific issues, be the host of Switzerland and perhaps a friend for life.


And what does the buddy program offer to local students? The possibility of internationalisation at home and to foster the integration of international students into the local community.


A buddy will help international students to get around in Lucerne by

  • Helping with the search of an accommodation
  • Going on a tour through the city, share interesting info about Luzern or Switzerland
  • Helping with any administrative issues
  • Participating on events and activities of ESN Luzern throughout of the semester
  • Translate for them if needed


Please remember to respect the private space of your buddy be they international or local.


How do you Register for the Buddy Program

ESN Luzern matches local students with international students through the website buddysystem.eu . You will additionally have to fill one of two forms either if you are a Local Student(https://forms.gle/XMA11Kp2mZn3ZhDk8) or an International One*(https://forms.gle/z8ZE1AhUy78749MN9) . 

Important in order to be matched you have to fill both the form and register on the website, if you do not do both you will not be matched

So apply NOW**  and you will soon meet your buddy of Lucerne!

*You are considered an International Student if it's your first time coming to Luzern as someone from outside of Switzerland (it doesn't matter if it's for Exchange,Erasmus,Bachelor or Masters)

** The registration deadline for both the exchange/international students as well as the local students/buddies/mentors is the 25th of August 2024 for the Fall semester of 2024. The Matching deadline for ECTS purposes is September 1st, Matching might continue after this date but is not guaranteed


For more information about the ECTS you can get as a local buddy please write to you International Relations Office:

UniLu - international@unilu.ch

HSLU T&A-ea-international@hslu.ch

or google the name of your institute followed by IRO


Helpful information

  • To ensure a good matching, we require you to fill out your profile on buddysystem.eu as thorough as possible.
  • Choose the right semester with these handy tips:
    • The first semester is always from September to January and the second semester always starts from January and lasts until July
    • Unlike the calendar year the year on buddysystem.eu always starts with the first semester.
    • Ex.: Choosing the first semester 2023-2024 means that you are registered for the autumn/fall semester starting September 2023 and ending January 2024. By choosing the second semester of 2023-2024 you're registered for the spring semester starting January 2024 and ending July 2024.


In case of any questions contact luzern@esn.ch