07/05/2021 - 18:30 to 19:30
Meeting Point:
Participant Limit:
Registration Link:
Facebook Link:
- Everyone is invited.
You like music with a beat and want to have a fun excercise to it? Then join our Outdoor Zumba class with our former member Lili.
All you need to bring is comfortable clothes and shoes, some water and a lot of fun.
The class will take one hour (with breaks in between) and can be done with and without experience.
* Registration is mandatory! (See registration link down below) *
Date: Friday, 07 May 2021
Time: Meet at exactly 6:30pm
Meeting point: Ufschötti
Participation limit: 13
Date: Friday, 07 May 2021
Time: Meet at exactly 6:30pm
Meeting point: Ufschötti
Participation limit: 13
If you feel sick or show symptoms please don’t participate at the event. Furthermore, be aware that the social distancing rules may not be fulfilled at all time of the event. With the registration you agree to that.
Registration link: https://forms.gle/cyEo6cshjPYCovWF6
Registration link: https://forms.gle/cyEo6cshjPYCovWF6